2752 吴昌硕(1844~1927) 为张弧作 秋容图 设色纸本 立轴 1911年作 款识:荒崖寂寞无俗情,老菊独得秋之清。登高一笑作重九,挹赤城露餐落英。岱杉先生两正,吴俊卿辛亥秋日。 钤印:昌硕(白) 老缶(朱) 周甲后书(白) 出版:1.《浙江四大家》续编P16-17,西泠印社出版社,2010年。 2.《吴昌硕全集·绘画卷二》P64,上海书画出版社,2017年。 著录:3.《吴昌硕纪年书法绘画篆刻录》P429,浙江古籍出版社,2014年。 诗文著录:4.《吴昌硕谈艺录》P95,人民美术出版社,1993年。 5.《中国画题咏辞林》P121,西泠印社出版社,1997年。 6.《题画诗选释》第2卷P2896,河北美术出版社,2000年。 7.《吴昌硕题画诗笺评》P33,浙江人民出版社,2003年。 8.《吴昌硕题画诗》P270,西泠印社出版社,2016年。 9.《吴昌硕谈艺录》P97,浙江人民美术出版社,2017年。 10.《名家讲稿 吴昌硕艺文述稿》P84,上海人民美术出版社,2018年。 说明:张弧上款。 WU CHANGSHUO AUTUMN VIEW Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll Dated 1911 Illustrated: 1. Works of Four Masters from Zhejiang: Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Pan Tianshou, Lu Yanshao, sequel, pp. 16-17, Xiling Seal Engraver's Society Publishing House, 2010 2. Work Collection of Wu Changshuo·Paintings, vol. 2, p. 64, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 2017 Literature: 3. Chronological Records of Wu Changshuo's Calligraphy, Painting, and Seal Carving, p. 429, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2014. Literature (poem): 4. Wu Changshuo: A Record of His Artistic Thoughts, p. 95, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1993. 5. Chinese Paintings: A Collection of Inscribed Poems, p. 121, Xiling Yinshe Publishing House, 1997. 6. A Selection and Explanation of Inscribed Poems on Paintings, vol. 2, p. 2896, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2000. 7. Wu Changshuo's Inscribed Poems on Paintings: Notes and Comments, p. 33, Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 2003 8. Wu Changshuo's Inscribed Poems on Paintings, p. 270, Xiling Yinshe Publishing House, 2016 9. Wu Changshuo: A Record of His Artistic Thoughts, p. 97, Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2017 10. Lectures by Famous Masters: Wu Changshuo's Art and Literature Writings, p. 84, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2018. Note: Dedicated to Zhang Hu. 132×35cm RMB: 500,000-700,000 作者简介:吴昌硕(1844~1927),原名俊,后改俊卿,字昌硕,又字仓石,号缶庐、缶道人、苦铁,又署破荷、大聋等,浙江安吉人。诗、书、画、印皆精,为一代艺术大师,近代六十名家之一。西泠印社首任社长。 上款简介:张弧(1875~1937),浙江萧山人,原名毓源,字戴杉,号超观,室名超观室。清光绪举人,民国后历任财政总长、币制局总裁等职,后退居天津,与日本关系密切。