2718 刘海粟(1896~1994) 黄山光明顶图 设色纸本 镜片 1981年作 款识:君不见黄山光明顶,精绝千峰冠万岭。夕阳散映青山红,珊瑚万树琉璃中。辛酉大暑,八上黄山写光明顶夕阳,刘海粟年方八六。 钤印:刘海粟印(朱) 游天阁主(白) 昔日黄山是我师今曰我是黄山友(白) 出版:1.《历代名作精品》P180-181,香港美术出版社。 2.《神仙眷侣——刘海粟 夏伊乔书画作品展》P54-55,北虹桥美术馆。 著录:3.《刘海粟年谱》P234,上海人民出版社,1992年。 4. 《南京艺术学院美术学学科名师研究·刘海粟卷》P445,东南大学出版社,2012年。 5.《刘海粟年谱长编》P1126,江苏凤凰美术出版社,2022年。 展览:6. “神仙眷侣——刘海粟 夏伊乔书画作品展”,北虹桥美术馆,2024年6月至7月。 说明:委托人得自作者家属。 附刘海粟之女刘蟾与拍品合影照片。 LIU HAISU GUANGMINGDING OF MOUNT HUANG Ink and color on paper, mounted Dated 1981 Illustrated: 1.Masterpieces from Different Dynasties, pp. 180-181, Hong Kong Fine Arts Publishing House 2.Liu Haisu and Xia Yiqiao's Paintings and Calligraphy, pp. 54-55, Beihongqiao Art Museum Literature: 3. Chronicles of Liu Haisu, p. 234, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1992 4. Study on the Famous Teachers of Nanjing Academy of Art: Liu Haisu, p. 445, Southeast China Univeristy Press, 2012 5.Chronicles of Liu Haisu, p. 1126, Jiangsu Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing House, 2022 Exhibited: 6. Liu Haisu and Xia Yiqiao's Paintings and Calligraphy', Beihongqiao Art Museum, June-July, 2024 Note: Attached is a photograph of Liu Haisu's daughter Liu Chan and the lot. Provenance: The client acquired the lot from the family of the artist. 127.5×82.5cm RMB: 800,000-1,200,000 作者简介:刘海粟(1896~1994),字季芳,号海翁,别署静远老人、游天阁主,江苏常州人。工书画、诗文。历任南京艺术学院院长,名誉院长,教授。上海美协名誉主席,中国书法家协会名誉理事,出版有《刘海粟画集》多种。