2716 刘海粟(1896~1994) 熊猫图 水墨纸本 镜片 1976年作 款识:大熊猫是我国特产奇珍,名重天下。一九七六年十月,婉仪夫人回国观光,访予寓斋,因尽出近作相与纵观。即席作此画奉赠,而点画狼藉,乃甚于三尺之童,即希正之。八十一岁老人刘海粟力疾书。 钤印:刘海粟印(白) 曾经沧海(朱) 静远堂(朱) 鹰击长空(白) 出版:1. 《翰墨因缘——近现代名家书画选集》P98,香港美术出版社,2022年。 2. 《名家讲稿·刘海粟中国绘画论稿》P170,上海人民美术出版社。 3. 《大观·中国近现代名家书画集》P131,香港美术出版社。 4. 《历代名作精品》P174,香港美术出版社。 5. 《神仙眷侣——刘海粟 夏伊乔书画作品展》P51,北虹桥美术馆。 展览:6. “神仙眷侣——刘海粟 夏伊乔书画作品展”,北虹桥美术馆,2024年6月至7月。 说明:附刘海粟之女刘蟾与拍品合影照片。 LIU HAISU PANDA Ink on paper, mounted Dated 1976 Illustrated: 1. Selected Paintings and Calligraphy by Modern Masters, p 98, Hong Kong Art Publishing House, 2022 2. Liu Haisu's Theory on Chinese Painting, p. 170, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House 3. Paintings and Calligraphy by Modern Chinese Masters, p. 131, Hong Kong Fine Arts Publishing House 4. Masterpieces from Different Dynasties, p. 174, Hong Kong Fine Arts Publishing House 5. Liu Haisu and Xia Yiqiao's Paintings and Calligraphy, p. 51, Beihongqiao Art Museum Exhibited: 6. 'Liu Haisu and Xia Yiqiao's Paintings and Calligraphy', Beihongqiao Art Museum, June-July, 2024 Note: Attached is a photograph of Liu Haisu's daughter Liu Chan and the lot. 133.5×64.5cm RMB: 500,000-700,000 作者简介: 刘海粟(1896~1994),字季芳,号海翁,别署静远老人、游天阁主,江苏常州人。工书画、诗文。历任南京艺术学院院长,名誉院长,教授。上海美协名誉主席,中国书法家协会名誉理事,出版有《刘海粟画集》多种。