【来源】 弗拉克斯伉俪旧藏。 此石造型小巧,奇状天成,石色黑中泛青,质理坚密,表面皴褶交错,千沟百壑如斧凿刀劈,洵为良材。其形貌如峰峦延绵,三处出峰,另有沟壑、孔洞,如微缩一奇山入书斋案头。石下原配随形木座,亦循天然意趣,承托研山颇显相得益彰。 此石正面有数处丹砂题记,识之有“高湖山”、“摩天顶”、“龙岩”、“虎池”、“狮石”等,余则漫漶难辨。此朱书文字,将小小研山之高峰、沟壑、孔洞分别冠以名号,如名山胜景一般,实得古人赏石“卧游”之趣。 此石既名“高湖山”,亦有实景对应,其在今江西婺源与安徽休宁交界。摩天顶、龙岩、虎池等皆为山中景致,可想此研山应当为此地文人所藏,故寄托诸般景致于其上,临此研山如重游胜景。 此石存有泰祥洲为之临绘的石画一幅,除忠实地还原了此件供石的造型、纹理之外,泰祥洲还将其上的朱书题记尽数标注而出,且将“风洞”、“观云峰”、“通天窍”等几处漫漶不清者也考释补全于上。在画幅上方的长篇考释文字中,泰祥洲记录观摩此石的机缘,还特地对石上的朱书题记做了详尽的考证,将石上景名与明代徽州府婺源人余绍祉(1596-1648)所作《高湖山记》相对应。石、画相映,更显赏古之真趣。 马科斯高胡山石 壬辰春月,予适英伦,于马克斯寓所得观一掌中灵石,上有丹砂题记,有高湖山、摩天顶、龙岩、狮石、虎池、其余模糊不清。得其友人觅得《道光徽州府志》,记有婺源高湖山景观凡十一处:虎岩, 狮岩, 风洞, 龙崖, 虎崖, 通天窍, 摩天顶, 撑腰石, 石狮降, 捉云台, 云海。 予返京,查得明代徽州府婺源人余绍祉尝有《高湖山记》,兹录斯文: 予观吾邑万山中,北百里而近。入吾沱川,山盖深,岭盖峻,水清而益驶,纡郁周匝,不知古桃源何如耳。 天鄣、高湖,东西对峙,我余氏世居其间。两山占籍新安,抱幽异之姿,处荒僻之地,如高人处士,名不着于天下。 然鄣山见《山海》及《水经》,而为有力者冒为自表。朱宗伯大同有说,汪京兆循有记,余布衣养元有辩。 汪司马道昆、邹内翰德溥、余山人安期,皆曰真鄣山固在星源,因裹粮来游。是鄣山虽晦于时流而彰于博雅君子,未为不幸。 唯高湖绝无物色之者,抑高湖亦隶鄣山部曲中,如岱宗之日观、衡阳之祝融,依鄣山以为显晦者耶?虽然,高湖巍然高峙,具诸名胜而自立门户,岂附人余热者哉!其山自趾及巅,高三千二百四十丈,上有大洼类湖,以此得名。 相传先朝有高湖山寺,建于湖干。寺有神僧,虎食其行者,僧遂仆其虎,时跨入市若牛马然。 寺废数百年,无住山者。正德间有僧明高,感异梦遍历名山,数年始得其处。见虎迹中时有瓦砾,遂结茅于此,是为白云庵。庵前为湖,湖之前千峰万岫,不可胜数。池之九子,歙之黄海,信之雅峰,相距皆数百里,若几席间物,可揽而有也。 从庵后登数百武,有一窍深不可测,天将雨则云气涌出,若甑中炊者,为通天窍。 从窍北行三里许,一峰独高,四面俱削,下视崖壑,若蜂房累累者,为摩天顶。 HIGH LAK MOUNTAIN YING STONE Early Qing Provenance 1. The Tamsen Ann Ziff Collection former owner of Wu Bin's 10 Views of a Rock Masterpiece 2. Debby and Marcus Flacks Bibliography 1. Marcus Flacks: Contemplating Rocks, Sylph Editions. London 2012. pp. 127-129 Gaohu shan (High Lake Mountain) is the name of a mountain in Anhui province. Though remote, it was famous for a large aperture toward the top called “Aperture to Heaven”. It is said that when the rains were coming cloud and mists would gush through the aperture with great force. A reference to this mountain can be found in the Daoguang Huizhou fuzhi (Prefectural Gazeteer for Huizhou Published duringthe Daoguang Era [1821-1850]) (see image below). In this 19th century woodblock, which itself probably derives from an earlier Ming version, one can clearly see place names associated with the Gaohu shan (High Mountain Lake). These include Tiger Cliff, Lion Cliff, Wind Cave, Dragon Precipice, Tiger Precipice, Aperture to Heaven, Caress Heaven Peak, Support Waist Rock, Stone Lion Drop, Catch Clouds Terrace and Sea of Clouds. The presence of small, circular (clearly man-made) holes in many rocks of this period would indicate that the High Lake Mountain, with its mythical “Aperture to Heaven” seems to have been the inspiration for many rocks during the Ming and early Qing dynasty. The small Ying rock shown on this page, has several characters painted in cinnebar red with place names that clearly link this rock to the High Lake Mountain (see diagram). This wonderful small Ying rock was almost certainly used as a brushrest. Its simple and well crafted Zitan stand seems in line with a 17th – 18th century dating. The rock however, may well be older. The contemporary painter Tai Xiangzhou who has studied and painted this rock (facing page) as well as related texts by Yu Shaozhi (b. 1596) believes that the names and styles of the the cinnebar characters would seem to indicate a Ming dynasty date. Marcus High lake Mountain In the early spring of 2012 when I went to the London,Marcus showed me a rock at his home. There was some red word on the rock: High Lake Mountain(高湖山), Caress Heaven Peak(摩天顶), Dragon Precipice(龙崖), Lion Rock(狮石), Tiger Pool(虎池), others word a bit blurry. Marcus’ friend found Daoguang Huizhou fuzhi 道光徽州府志 (Prefectural Gazeteer for Huizhou Published during the Daoguang Era [1821-1850]) for him, there were11 places names associated with Gaohu shan高湖山 (High Lake Mountain) in Wuyuan: 虎岩 (Tiger Cliff), 狮岩 (Lion Cliff), 风洞 (Wind Cave), 龙崖 (Dragon Precipice), 虎崖 (Tiger Precipice), 通天窍 (Aperture to heaven), 摩天顶 (Caress Heaven Peak), 撑腰石 (Support Waist Rock), 石狮降 (Stone Lion Drop, 捉云台 (Catch Clouds Terrace), 云海 (Sea of Clouds). After I returned to Beijing, I found a writer with his name Yu Shaozhi (余绍祉born in 1596) who lived in Anhui Wuyuan in Ming dynasty, he wrote the High Lake Mountain Note. Here is the copy of articl. In the mountains of my hometown,water exchange 100 kilometres from the north into Tuo River. The mountain is deep and precipitous. The water is very clear, and quickly, it is circle around the middle of the Valley, Comparing it with the legendary utopia - The Peach Blossom Spring, I don’t know which is better? Confrontation between Tian Zhang(天鄣) mountain and High Lake(高湖) mountain, where are place that my Yu(his family name)family from generation to generation place to live. These two mountains is in Xin'an County(新安), place of solitude hold the different appearance, just like hermit unknown to the public. Zhang Mountain is in the record of two important ancient books Guideways of Mountains and Seas 《山海》(Two thousand years ago the geographical book ) and Guideways of Water《水经》(6th century).People who lived there was proud of it. Zhu Zongbo(朱大同) ,Wang Xun(汪循 living 1510),Yu Yangyuan(余养元 Ming dynasty)all have articles about it. Wang Daokun(汪道昆1525-1593), Zou Defu (邹德溥 living 1535), Yu Anqi(余安期 living 1602) they all said that the mountain was in the Xing Yuan(星源) , so they carried solid food to visit. That was why Zhang Mountain was hidden in the popular parlance also Buried in yuppie’s hobby. What is unfortunate here. Only The High Like Mountain is not in the ranks of the popular, it is next to the Zhang Mountain, but it like Sunrise Peak(观日峰) in the Mountain Tai(泰山), Zhurong Pear(祝融峰) in the Mountain Heng(衡山),proud independent but stand aloof from worldly success. Though the High Lake Mountain stand out majestically, It has a lot of scenic spots,How come it attached to others? From the bottom of the mountain to the hill-top, it is 3240 Zhang(zhang, a unit of length = 3 1/3 metres), there is a big depression area like a lake, so he named High Lake Mountain(高湖山). legend has it,in the Ancient have a High lake temple(高湖寺), built in the land of the lake. A magical monk lived in the temple. A tiger ate up the mountain people, the monk caught the tiger and rode in the it, like rode and ride cow, played in the market. Later the temples was wasted for hundreds of year, nobody lived there, until the Zheng De(正德1491-1521) . There wa a monk named Minggao(明高). He dreamed of boddhisattva, travel around a lot of famous mountains and great rivers, and spent several years found here. He saw the tiger's footprints, the footprints in the rubble,So he built the temple here, called it Cloud Temple (白云庵). In front of the temple is the lake.Looking out from lake there are thousand peaks and valleys, Nine Sone’s Pool (the dragon had mine sons and each of them was different from the others ) 九子池, Sea of Clouds (黄山云海) at She (歙县), Ya Peak (雅峰), the distance from here is in the hundreds Chinese mile, Like table items,can be stretched out his hand and took. From the back of the temple climb hundreds of steps steps, there is a aperture too deep to be fathomable, When it going to rain that floating cloud gush, like use pots cooking, it is Aperture to heaven (通天窍). From the Aperture go to north 3 Chinese mile, there is highest peak, it is steep ringed all sides, looking down is cliff and rocky mountain valley, like many of the hive, it is Caress Heaven Peak (摩天顶). The right side of the temple has a Lion Rock(狮石), high few Zhang(zhang, a unit of length = 3 1/3 metres), like white jade. There is a Worker Spring (行者泉),are especially cool and fresh. There is a Clouds watching Terrace(观云台), after the autumn raining,white clouds long miles away,the monk say it is ‘Pave Seas’(铺海), High peaks from the mountains look on the clouds-tip,looks like is an island,or rivers and Lakes cliff stone. I have never seen a mirage,it is the world of wonders. Someone could seen it every day, also few month you may never see it. Mountains also has his secrets,show to the people be linked by ties of fate. I was living in Zhang Mountain long times, but never seen it. Because Zhang Mountain is profound, High lake Mountain is wilderness;Zhang Mountain like nobles, his forder deep, High lake Mountain like the wine of the emperor’s cellar, playing and sing at Lake Dongting (洞庭湖), High lake Mountain like Boil chopped purple velvet flower, Eat in the river conpoy,In the wind across the Hua Yang(华阳) pine tree Listen to the boy blowing sheng(笙) . it is the mountain beauty spot, so I wrote it. The High Late Mountain Note said there is a lake in front of the temple, Marcus’s rock has a red word is Tiger Pool(虎池), at that time, there is a lake over there, after, there is only has a well. In this note, it is said in the right of temple has a Lion Rock(狮子石), high few Zhang(zhang, a unit of length = 3 1/3 metres), like white jade, but in the Daoguang Huizhou fuzhi 道光徽州府志 (Prefectural Gazeteer for Huizhou Published duringthe Daoguang Era [1821-1850]) said虎岩 (Tiger Cliff), 狮岩 (Lion Cliff), so I think the rock is wrote the red word in Ming dynasty. My teacher Liu Dan used to say that ‘If you give me a rock, I will draw a world for you.’ Marcus’s rock size like a fist,but it hosted does not a heaven and Earth? What my teacher said, and a stone inscription does people say is not the same thing? My teacher give me the book name: Observing the Heaven, Knowing the Earth 《仰观垂象》, we know, principle from people observing the heaven, knowing the earth, make the time observatory, Explains the world generates principle. But yuppies always found the interesting in minor details,but forgotten the principle. It was hidden in the popular parlance also Buried in yuppie’s hobby. There is a western gentleman Marcus, who like Chinese Ming and Qing antique,my teacher Liu Dan like him very much, he ask me to draw a picture for his High Lake Mountain Rock, I wrote these word and do this painting for him. 17 August 2012 Xiangzhou.