灰璧石多大材,而此供石尺寸较小,高不及一掌,可于案头以伴读写之用,颇为别致。其色青灰,质嶙峋,多皴壑,而抚之仍不失光润之感。石形奇巧,上方下收似一灵芝,而正中呈一圆形孔洞。石供素以皱、瘦、漏、透为妙品,此方石供即将“透”字展现淋漓,置之书斋案头,可堪摩挲赏玩。 SMALL SCHOLARS ROCK GREY LINGBI Early Qing This charming scholar rock, less than a hand's height, serves as an elegant companion for reading and writing. Its blue-gray hue and rugged texture feature intricate grooves, while its reishi mushroom shape and central hole embody the essence of "transparency," inviting gentle exploration on a scholar's desk. Provenance 1. The Tamsen Ann Ziff Collection former owner of Wu Bin's 10 Views of a Rock Masterpiece